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Access & connectivity

Navigator Quarter benefits from excellent transport links. It has direct access to Southampton Airport, is close to strategic road networks (J5 M27 and the M3) and by Southampton Airport Parkway railway station with a direct route to London Waterloo and other parts of the South Coast.

As part of the planning application, we are proposing to create a new access road to the site for vehicles from Mitchell Way. This is to the north west of the site and north of the Southampton Airport runway (as can be seen by the location plan).

This new access route would effectively form the first part of the Chickenhall Lane Link Road to ensure that this strategic infrastructure could be delivered at a later stage.

An active travel strategy will be implemented, including encouraging sustainable transport methods such as cycling, walking, bus and trains to reduce the reliance on private vehicles. A new segregated cycle path / footway will be provided along Mitchell Way to connect with existing routes at the airport.

We are also exploring opportunities to improve the Wide Lane Bridge.

Further information on our transport strategy will be included in the Transport Assessment which will be submitted as part of our application.

Site location plan